The Tilt Orchestra: Creative Freedom & Finding Place
Article by Jade Perkins
Photo by Alex Demartino
The Tilt is a Florida Experimental Pop group consisting of 5 members.
Zeta, age 28, was nice enough to be interviewed for this article about the band and its involvement with Oscura.
The Tilt originated in a garage in 2018 and has evolved into their current state of playing live and releasing music in 2021.
“I can’t remember a time in my life when music wasn’t my primary concern…it was always there for me as a kid whether I was having a good time or wallowing in adolescent angst (more often the latter).” That being said, the teenage angst of Zeta quickly manifested into relatable music, urging a sibling to promote guitar as a healthy outlet and later shaping The Tilt into what we know today.
Oscura has become a place for many to aid in the use of that healthy outlet.
“Oscura has become our home away from home” Zeta said. “When we play there, we know everything is going to run smooth and professional, the vibes will be good and the sound will be top notch, and that allows us to put all our focus in the performance.”
The Tilt had their The Long Game album release party on November 2nd, 2024 at Oscura and recalled the positive feelings of community and creative freedom in the space. They also gave major kudos to the Event Coordinator/Head of Sound Engineering, Matt LaPerche, for his willingness and ability to work with the group and make it a dream come true event with all 8 of their instruments included.
“Eternally grateful for everything we’ve been able to do with their help.” Follow The Tilt Orchestra on all of their social media platforms in order to catch them at a show in the future and as always, remember to support local!
Bye for now
Jade, signing off
IG @galbabyyy
Online Portfolio:
The Tilt Socials:
IG @thetiltorchestra